Our Mission
Through compassion and dedication, we support and strengthen individuals and families in Union County.
General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
940 London Avenue
Suite 1800

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
2025 Closed Schedule
New Year's Day - January 1
MLK Day - January 20
President's Day - February 17
Memorial Day - May 26
Juneteenth - June 19
Independence Day - July 4
Labor Day - September 1
Columbus Day - October 13
Veteran's Day - November 11
Thanksgiving - November 27 & 28
Christmas - December 24 & 25
New Year's Eve - December 31



Dispatch Line: 937.642.5100

Toll Free 877.488.2287 or Ohio Relay 800.750.0750


Monday - Friday 

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


940 London Avenue, Suite 1800

Marysville, Ohio 43040


The Union County Agency Transportation Service (UCATS) is a county agency dedicated to transporting Union County residents based on the following eligibility:

  1. All Union County residents, age 60 and over, living independently in the community are eligible to ride UCATS
    1. These trips are funded by the Union County Senior Services Sales Tax Levy and by the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (COAAA)
  2. Union County Medicaid recipients are eligible for medical trips per approval of Union County Job and Family Services
  3. UCATS is partially funded by federal grants for transporting seniors (age 60+) and individuals with disabilities
    1. Eligibility of individuals with disabilities for transportation is determined by UCATS, with the appropriate supporting documents (e.g., a completed "Record of Disability" form)
  4. Other county partners may refer Union County residents for trips based on contracts or memorandums of understanding with UCATS


Approval of each trip request is based on availability.  At least 24-hours notice for in-county transportation, and three working days (72-hours) for out-of-county transportation is requested.

All special needs or requests should be discussed at the time the trip is scheduled (i.e. wheelchair accessible vehicle, service animal, attendants, oxygen, etc.)

We have a friendly and courteous staff that are ready and willing to assist you with your transportation needs.  We have ten vehicles in our fleet that are handicap accessible.

UCATS 2025 Holiday and Training Closure Schedule


March 2025


New Rider Information and Application Form

Formulario de Inscripcion para Nuevo Pasajero

Online New Rider Form

Record of Disability Printable Form

UCBDD Disability Referral Form

UCBDD Disability Referral Form - Electronic

Transportation Request Form


UCATS Customer Service Survey [Digital]

Complaint Procedure

ADA Complaint Form

UCATS ADA Complaint Process

Title VI Notice

Title VI Complaint Form