Literacy Statistics
In Union County
- Union County has a graduation rate of 88.5%
- 15% of persons in Union County over 18 years old do not have a high school diploma
- 21.1% of Ohio's population hold a bachelor's degree or higher
- Only 15.9% of Union County's population hold a bachelor's degree or higher
In the United States
- 43% of adults functioning at the lowest literacy level live in poverty, compared to 4% with strong literacy skills
- More than 20% of adults read below the sixth-grade level - far below the level needed to earn a living wage
- 70% of mothers on public assistance have reading skills in the lowest two literacy levels
- Children whose parents cannot read are twice as likely to have difficulty learning to read and write
- Illiteracy costs the U.S. more then $224 billion a year in lost productivity
- Low health literacy costs $73 billion annually in unnecessary doctor visits, hospitalizations and longer hospital stays
- 75% of unemployed adults have reading and/or writing difficulties
- 60% of juvenile offenders have problems reading The U.S. ranks 49th among 156 United Nations member countries in literacy – a drop of 18 places since 1950