Voting Absentee by Mail

Absentee voting by mail gives all Ohio voters an opportunity to vote at their convenience in their own home.  Absentee ballots are available for 35 days before Election Day.

Requesting a Ballot

A new  absentee ballot request form  must be submitted for each election that a voter wishes to vote by mail.

To obtain an absentee ballot request you may:

  • Download an  absentee ballot request form
  • Pick one up at the Board of Elections; 835 East 5th St  Suite A.; Marysville, Ohio  43040
  • Call the Board of Elections at 937-642-2836

Completing the Application Process

  • Complete the request form by providing your name, address, date of birth, a form of identification and an address to which your ballot should be mailed.  Be sure to sign the application before submitting it  .
  • Acceptable forms of identification include: your driver's license number (which begins with two alphabet letters followed by six numbers) or the last 4 digits of your social security number OR a copy of your photo ID.
  • Your request must be received by the county board of elections by the close of business on the seventh day before Election Day.  Forms may be sent by mail or delivered in person.  Applications submitted by email or fax will not by accepted and processed. 

Returning Your Voted Ballot

  • Voted ballot must be returned in the envelope provided -  Only one ballot per ID envelope. 
  • Please make sure the ID envelope is filled out completely or your ballot may not count.
    • Name
    • Address
    • Birthdate
    • Identification (last 4 digits of your social or other acceptable identification listed on envelope)
    • Signature
  • If you return your voted ballot by mail, it must be postmarked by the day before Election Day and received no later than 4 days after the election.

Note:  Ohio's election law states that "postmarked" does not include a date marked by a postage evidence system, such as a postage meter.

  • If you return your voted ballot in person, it must be received by the Board of Elections no later than 7:30 pm on Election Day.
  • No voted ballot may be returned to a board of elections by fax or e-mail.  If a voted ballot is returned by fax or e-mail, it will not be accepted, processed, or counted. 
  • No ballots may be dropped off at a polling location on Election Day. 

Return Postage 

Mailing your ballot back to the Board of Elections requires a single first-class stamp. 

Tracking Your Ballot 

You may track your request form and your absentee ballot by using the  Absentee Lookup Tool 

View Your Sample Ballot 

A sample ballot for each voter is available through the  Ballot Lookup Tool