Wellness Program Requirements

During the wellness program period (8/15/24 - 6/30/25), Anthem covered employees and spouses must complete an Annual Wellness Exam (worth $50 in Anthem Rewards). Employees must complete a variety of other Rewardable Activities of their choosing, worth at least $50 in Anthem Rewards by the program deadline to be eligible for the wellness incentive in 2026. 

REQUIRED ACTIVITY ($50 in Rewards)

Annual Wellness Exam (Adult Wellness/Well Woman Exam) This is an annual check-up (aka physical) with your doctor. If you do not have a primary care physician, you can schedule a primary care visit through Online Provider K Health, available to Anthem subscribers through the Sydney Health App. No form is required. 

Did you know that Anthem subscribers are eligible for a wellness exam once per calendar year? Members do not have to wait for 12 months to schedule another exam. As long as exams are performed in different calendar years, they will be covered. 

Read more about preventive care services here: Annual Exam Verbiage 


It's up to you! Employees can choose the other rewardable activities to complete, based on their interests and lifestyle. Be sure to complete enough activities to earn $50 in elective rewards!

Click here for a complete list of possible wellness activities that may be completed, how they are tracked, and the reward values that can be earned!