

Union County Commissioners Office
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233 West Sixth Street
 Marysville, OH 43040
 Phone:  937-645-3012
 Fax:  937-645-3002

Click this link for our Staff Directory and additional contact information.

Meeting with the Union County Board of Commissioners 

The Union County Board of Commissioners meet every Wednesday beginning at 8:30 a.m. please see our Meeting Schedule page for more information. The meetings are held in the Commissioners' Hearing Room at 233 West Sixth Street, Marysville, Ohio 43040

The Board will allow citizen comments/discussions at their discretion. The Open Meetings Act mandates that all meetings of the County Commissioners are open to the public, unless in executive session, however the Act does not necessarily provide attendees the right to be heard at meetings.


Notice of Lease - Union County Farm Land

County Home Road & 15146 US 36

Persons interested in leasing farmland from Union County may submit a sealed bid to the Board of Commissioners, Union County, Ohio, at 233 W. Sixth Street, 1st Floor, Marysville, Ohio, 43040, until 10:00 a.m. on March 12, 2025 for the cash lease of certain County farmland. 

The land offered for lease is at two locations:  County Home Road site of approximately 57.6 A. at the County Engineer’s complex and the 15146 US 36 site of approximately 6 A., Marysville, Ohio. This lease does NOT include approximately 2.0 A in the southeast corner of the County Home Road parcel, which is Paris Township land. There will be a single lease for both locations.  Lease will be based on the 63.6 gross acres, more or less.  Bidder is responsible to determine tillable area.

The County’s Weaver Road site NOT available for bidding.

Lease term is for three crop seasons from April 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028, with an option to renew for an additional term of two (2) crop seasons from April 2029 through December 1, 2030.  Specific Parcel Numbers for the land are available online or from the Commissioner’s office.  Tenant shall pay one half of annual rent on or before April 1st and remaining one half of the annual rent by November 1st of each crop season.  Said lease shall be for purpose of use of land for cropping corn, soybeans or small grains only; pasturing livestock is NOT permitted.

Bid blanks and lease forms may be obtained online at this link Bid Tab 2025 fillable.pdf or from the Board of County Commissioners Offices, 233 W. Sixth Street, 1st Floor, Marysville, Ohio, 43040 weekdays, from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Bids will be opened, and a cash lease will be entered into according to the discretion of the Board of Commissioners.  The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any irregularities or informalities in each. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid for Farmland Cash Lease."  No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after being publicly opened and read.

Board of County Commissioners, Union County, Ohio

Union County Land Reutilization Corporation - Land Bank

Mill Creek Waterway Improvement Project Web Page

Click the link below for more information on Fair Housing

Fair Housing Information

Fair Housing Program

According to The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 it is:

Unlawful to discriminate against any person because of:  Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Physical or Mental Disability, Gender (Including Sexual Harassment) or Familial Status (Having Children)

  • In the sale or rental of housing or residential lots
  • In advertising the sale or rental of housing
  • In the financing of housing
  • In the provision of real estate brokerage services
  • In the appraisal of housing
  • Blockbusting is also illegal

Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination at the following numbers:

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Hotline:  1-800-669-9777
  • Ohio Civil Rights Commission:  614-466-2785
  • Logan, Union and Champaign County Housing Program and City of Marysville:  937-666-3431 or 1-866-666-4612
  • Logan, Union and Champaign County Housing Program and City of Marysville: or Fair Housing Contact Form

Contact Information

Letitia Rayl, Assistant County Administrator/Budget Officer


Commissioner's Office Records Retention Schedule 

Public Records Policy

Amendment to hearing days updated 1-14-21