Commissioners Office Information

The Union County Board of Commissioners meet weekly for regular sessions every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. The Board will also meet in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m., primarily to meet with Elected Officials and department heads. The meetings are held in the Commissioners' Hearing Room at 233 West Sixth Street, Marysville, Ohio 43040

The Board will allow citizen comments/discussions at their discretion. The Open Meetings Act mandates that all meetings of the County Commissioners are open to the public, unless in executive session, however the Act does not necessarily provide attendees the right to be heard at meetings.

Please visit our "Commissioner Meeting Schedule" page for the Boards current agenda. 

Public Hearing

PY 2025 Union County CDBG Program

Union County intends to apply to the Ohio Department of Development for funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program and other related state and federally funded programs administered by the State of Ohio.  The County is eligible for several different types of PY 2025 programs providing the County meets applicable program requirements.  These programs include but are not limited to the CDBG Critical Infrastructure and Downtown Revitalization Programs; Economic Development and Public Infrastructure Program; Residential Public Infrastructure Program; and the Flexible Grant Programs.  The State of Ohio anticipates it will receive approximately $80 million from HUD to distribute on a statewide basis, based on the Consolidated Plan submitted to HUD.  The Consolidated Plan contains additional information on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program, a federally funded program administered by the State and funded by HUD.

A Public Hearing to discuss the CDBG programs/grants available through the Ohio Department of Development be held on March 5, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., at the Union County Commissioners Office, 233 W 6th St, Marysville, Ohio 43040.

Union County anticipates it will be eligible to apply for CDBG Critical Infrastructure grants up to $500,000 and up to $750,000 in Residential Public Infrastructure grant funds.  Grants of up to $500,000 are available for Economic Development and Public Infrastructure. Flexible Grant funds of up to $250,000 will also be available. The CDBG Critical Infrastructure Grant applications are due to the State in June 2025.  The other grants have an open cycle beginning July 1, 2025.

The Public Hearing will provide citizens, communities and local organizations with explanation of eligible activities and program requirements for the CDBG programs, including the CDBG community development programs, the CDBG economic development programs, and other HUD funded programs.  The CDBG programs can fund a broad range of activities including, but not limited to: economic development projects, infrastructure improvements, and neighborhood facilities improvements.  The activities must be designed to primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons, aid in the elimination of slum and blight, or meet an urgent need of the community.  Citizens of Union County are encouraged to attend the public hearing to provide their input on the County's CDBG programs.



The Board of County Commissioners for Union County, Ohio is requesting statements of qualifications pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 9.33, et seq., from firms to provide construction manager at risk services for its Union County Courthouse Network Cabling Project. Questions may be directed to, and Requests for Qualifications may be obtained by written request from Jimmie Inskeep, Facilities Manager at  Qualifications will be accepted until 11 am local time, March 10, 2025

Notice of Lease - Union County Farm Land

County Home Road & 15146 US 36

Persons interested in leasing farmland from Union County may submit a sealed bid to the Board of Commissioners, Union County, Ohio, at 233 W. Sixth Street, 1st Floor, Marysville, Ohio, 43040, until 10:00 a.m. on March 12, 2025 for the cash lease of certain County farmland.  

The land offered for lease is at two locations:  County Home Road site of approximately 57.6 A. at the County Engineer’s complex and the 15146 US 36 site of approximately 6 A., Marysville, Ohio. This lease does NOT include approximately 2.0 A in the southeast corner of the County Home Road parcel, which is Paris Township land. There will be a single lease for both locations.  Lease will be based on the 63.6 gross acres, more or less.  Bidder is responsible to determine tillable area.

The County’s Weaver Road site NOT available for bidding.

Lease term is for three crop seasons from April 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028, with an option to renew for an additional term of two (2) crop seasons from April 2029 through December 1, 2030.  Specific Parcel Numbers for the land are available online or from the Commissioner’s office.  Tenant shall pay one half of annual rent on or before April 1st and remaining one half of the annual rent by November 1st of each crop season.  Said lease shall be for purpose of use of land for cropping corn, soybeans or small grains only; pasturing livestock is NOT permitted.

Bid blanks and lease forms may be obtained online at this link Bid Tab 2025 fillable.pdf or from the Board of County Commissioners Offices, 233 W. Sixth Street, 1st Floor, Marysville, Ohio, 43040 weekdays, from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Bids will be opened, and a cash lease will be entered into according to the discretion of the Board of Commissioners.  The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any irregularities or informalities in each. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid for Farmland Cash Lease."  No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after being publicly opened and read.

Board of County Commissioners, Union County, Ohio

County Home Road Site – 66 A. +/-


The Union County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing concerning the proposed Union County Comprehensive Plan 2025 Update on March 12, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners Hearing Room in the County Office Building located at 233 West Sixth Street, Marysville, Ohio.

A digital copy of the UC Comprehensive Plan and UC Comprehensive Plan Survey can be found at,

Union County Land Reutilization Corporation - Land Bank

Mill Creek Waterway Improvement Project Web Page

Fair Housing Information    (Please click the link to the left for additional information and forms)

According to The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 it is:

Unlawful to discriminate against any person because of:  Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Physical or Mental Disability, Gender (Including Sexual Harassment) or Familial Status (Having Children)

  • In the sale or rental of housing or residential lots
  • In advertising the sale or rental of housing
  • In the financing of housing
  • In the provision of real estate brokerage services
  • In the appraisal of housing
  • Blockbusting is also illegal

Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination at the following numbers:

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Hotline:  1-800-669-9777
  • Ohio Civil Rights Commission:  614-466-2785
  • Logan, Union and Champaign County Housing Program and City of Marysville:  937-666-3431 or 1-866-666-4612
  • Logan, Union and Champaign County Housing Program and City of Marysville: or Fair Housing Contact Form

Contact Information

Letitia Rayl, Assistant County Administrator/Budget Officer


Commissioner's Office Records Retention Schedule

Public Records Policy

Amendment to hearing days updated 1-14-21

General Policy Guidance for Front-of-Meter Solar Power Generation in Union County

To access the policy document, please click the link above.


A Resolution Accepting Requests by The Boards Of Township Trustees Of Allen, Claibourne, Darby, Jackson, Leesburg, Liberty, Taylor, And Washington Townships, Union County, Ohio, As Statements Of Opinion Opposing The Siting Of Any Solar Power Generation Project Over 50 Megawatts In Their Respective Townships.

WHEREAS, since December 2020, the Ohio Power Siting Board, under pre-Senate Bill 52 law, has approved two utility-scale solar power generation projects, each with a capacity substantially exceeding 50 megawatts, to be located in Union County; and

WHEREAS, there is reason to believe that one, and possibly two, additional utility-scale solar power generation projects, each with a capacity substantially exceeding 50 megawatts, may seek to be located, in full or in part, in Union County under the provisions established in Senate Bill 52; and

WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners, after having conducted a public hearing under Senate Bill 52 on whether to designate all of the unincorporated area of Union County as a Restricted Area determined not to make such a designation; and 

WHEREAS, this Board subsequently adopted Resolution No. 22-113 on April 13, 2022, Establishing a Solar Power Generation Facility Development Process for Union County, Ohio; and

WHEREAS, the Board has received a Resolution or letter from the Boards of Township Trustees of Allen, Claibourne, Darby, Jackson, Leesburg, Liberty, Taylor and Washington Townships, Union County, Ohio, each of which requests the Board of County Commissioners to designate their respective townships as Restricted Areas under the provisions of Senate Bill 52; and

WHEREAS, the Board invited the several Boards of Township Trustees and any interested residents of the Townships to address the Board personally or to submit written comments to the Board; and 

WHEREAS, the Board received the oral comments of the Boards of Township Trustees and interested residents in open session on June 15, 2022; and 

WHEREAS, the Board has received written comments of the Boards of Township Trustees and interested residents; and 

WHEREAS, the Board has considered both the oral and written comments of the Boards of Township Trustees and 

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The Board Of County Commissioners, Union County, Ohio, That:

Section 1. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the letter of Allen Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Allen Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 2. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the Resolution of Claibourne Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Claibourne Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 3. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the Resolution of Darby Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Darby Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 4. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the letter of Jackson Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Jackson Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 5. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the Resolution of Leesburg Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Leesburg Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 6. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the Resolution of Liberty Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Liberty Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 7. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the Resolution of Taylor Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Washington Township, Union County, Ohio.

Section 8. This Board of County Commissioners accepts the Resolution of Washington Township as its statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in Washington Township, Union County, Ohio. 

Section 9. This Board of County Commissioners,  if and when acting on a resolution under R.C. §303.62 regarding a proposed large solar facility in one of the Townships identified in Sections 1 through 7 of this Resolution, based upon the will of the respective Townships as set out in the Resolutions or letters of each board of Township Trustees as its continuing statement opposing any and all solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts that may seek to be sited in any of the several Townships shall vote to prohibit the construction of such facility within the time required under R.C. §303.62.

Section 10. Any Township that changes its opinion as to the desirability of solar power generation projects over 50 megawatts, whether generally or as to a specific project, must notify the Board of County Commissioners of such opinion by submitting a resolution to that effect to the Board of County Commissioners.  

Section 11. The Board finds and determines that all of its formal actions concerning and relating to adopting this Resolution occurred in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public and in compliance with all legal requirements including Revised Code §121.22.

Steve Robinson introduced this resolution and moved its passage; Dave Burke seconded the motion; and after discussion, the chair called a roll call vote, and the results were:

Resolution No. 22-113


WHEREAS, Substitute Senate Bill 52 of the 134th General Assembly (S.B. 52) provides authority for boards of county commissioners to restrict the location and size of large solar facilities within their jurisdictions; and

WHEREAS, self-governance is inherent within the United States of America and States through local governments exercise this authority given by its citizens; and  

WHEREAS, notwithstanding an existing local hearing or zoning processes, S.B. 52 contains broad authority but does not contain specific criteria by which Boards of County Commissioners might exercise the authority placed upon them in S.B. 52; and

WHEREAS, the Union County Board of Commissioners desires to adopt policies that address solar power generation facility development, consistent with S.B. 52, and that provide objective measures and policies by which the Union County Board of Commissioners will evaluate proposals for development of solar power generation facilities in Union County; and

WHEREAS, all landowners are granted inherent rights and are expected to use their property in a reasonable manner without unduly interfering with the rights of the owners of contiguous land; and

WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Union County Board of Commissioners to articulate policies and processes that are fair, just and predictable;

NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Union County, Ohio, to adopt the following Resolution and the appended General Policy Guidance for Front-of-Meter Solar Power Generation (power generated for sale on the grid) in Union County, as follows:

Section 1. 

The Board hereby establishes the following Solar Power Generation Facility Development Process and approves and adopts the General Policy Guidance document regarding Solar Power Generation in Union County to be used in concert with the process established herein.

Section 2.

For a solar power generation project over 50 Megawatts, the Township Trustees in which the project resides are requested to provide the Board of County Commissioners a Letter of Opinion related to the project. The Board of Trustees may cite items in the General Policy Guidance for Front-of-Meter Solar Power Generation in Union County document, public input gained during a public township process or any other item(s) the Board of Trustees deem relevant for consideration by the Board of Commissioners. Failure by the Township Trustees to issue an Opinion shall be deemed consent to the project.

Section 3.

The power generation applicant should hold two public meetings, in addition to any official Township or Board of Commissioner meetings, at a location within each township in which the project resides following a process of due notice including posting in commonly circulated publication(s) to that area, a public notice posting at the Township Hall and the Board of Commissioners office, as well as notifying each Township Trustee within that township and each  County Commissioner in writing of such meeting time, date and location prior to the event. Each meeting shall include the ability of township residents to ask questions directly to the power generation entity. Meaningful (or unmeaningful) and timely (or untimely) responses by the applicant to resident questions should be noted and considered.  

Section 4.

The General Policy Guidance for Front-of-Meter Solar Power Generation in Union County shall be considered the reasonable standard for a solar project and may be amended and/or expanded at any time. This Guidance is in addition to and does not replace existing statutory requirements nor does it override the laws, rules and regulations of any other body having jurisdiction. Compliance with meeting requests, the Township Letter of Opinion, items within the Guidance document and other regulatory compliance bodies will be strongly considered by the Board of County Commissioners during its deliberations prior to official action on the solar generation project.

Section 5.

When the Board of County Commissioners deems the process of request for a solar power generation project over 50 Megawatts complete and through the powers granted by Substitute Senate Bill 52, the Board of County Commissioners will either approve, approve with conditions or deny the project by Resolution. Such decisions will be communicated to the governing body(s) of such projects, including the Ohio Power Siting Board. 

Section 6. 

For a solar power generation facility under 50 Megawatts, use of township zoning and regulatory compliance is required. In the event a township has no zoning, the items in the General Policy Guidance for Front-of-Meter Solar Power Generation in Union County document may be considered reasonable standards and be amended, excluded or expanded as deemed necessary for each project. In the event of conflicting township zoning to this document, township zoning shall prevail unless state or federal law, rule and/or regulation prohibits. Any solar generation project in multiple townships within Union County shall repeat this process including obtaining appropriate zoning permit(s) from each township.

Section 7.

Township zoning meetings are public meetings with due notice and compliance with the Open Meetings Act and Sunshine Laws and public input for zoning requests should be heard related to solar power generation project requests. At these meetings, the public should be given the opportunity for input through commonly accepted means, including but not limited to in person, written and, if available, electronic testimony.

Section 8.

The solar power generation applicant should hold two public meetings, in addition to any official Township Trustee, zoning or Board of Commissioner meetings, at a location within each township in which the project is located following a process of due notice including posting in commonly circulated publication(s) to the township, a public notice posting at the Township Hall, as well as notifying each Township Trustee in writing of such meeting time, date and location prior to the event. Each meeting shall include the ability of township residents to ask questions directly to the power generation entity. Meaningful (or unmeaningful) and timely (or untimely) responses by the applicant to resident questions should be noted and considered.